120 Powerful Night Prayers that Will Change Your Life Forever: A 7 Days Fasting Plan With Powerful

120 Powerful Night Prayers that Will Change Your Life Forever: A 7 Days Fasting Plan With Powerful

Kimia Konsentrasi ion hidrogen dalam larutan dengan pH = 21093 adalah​

Konsentrasi ion hidrogen dalam larutan dengan pH = 21093 adalah​


[H+]= 3 × 10^(-2)


[tex]ph = - log( {h}^{ + } ) \\ 2 - log(3) = - log( { h }^{ + } ) \\ - 2 + log(3) = log( {h}^{ + } ) \\ {h}^{ + } = {10}^{ - 2 + log(3) } \\ = 3 \times {10}^{ - 2} [/tex]
